A Thought Experiment for Leaders of Our Time

There is a path of spiritual growth and service that meanders above all religions and spiritual ideologies. That's the one you're following. You are going the Sovereign Way.
Organizing the Mystery of Being
This book is a thought experiment for the leaders of our time. A liberated and deeply hopeful experience of spiritual growth to help prepare you for what is to come - whatever that may be.
This ontology is built in a wonderful new language and, combined with simple diagrams, will lead your mind across eight masteries that you will need for your coming Life in the unfolding human epic.
We who are going the Sovereign Way are a family of souls. Whatever we might call ourselves; heart-led leaders, disciples of Christ, devotees of Love, planetary lightworkers, tribe leaders or innovators from every region and religion, we recognize each other by the glint in our eyes, our radiance and power, and the wonders that follow us on this consecrated path.
But though we are a coordinated network of world servers who intend to prove Love Wins, each one of us must go a uniquely Sovereign Way. The Sovereign Way is your path of healing, freedom, mastery and service. There is only one Way for you to go, and that is with God.