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Elizabeth, presenter and host.

The Oasis

Session Schedule 2025

Mondays: 12pm EST in our Zoom room.

Thursdays: 6pm EST, Streets of Paradise, Sarasota, FL.

How it works

Every week we gather in The Oasis to experience a tapestry of presentation, group session and assignment. You can join online, in person, both or neither! 


Our curriculum follows The Sovereign Way book, and we use multiple experiments, resources and techniques to integrate teachings.


Presentations are recorded and shared as bitesized replays. Group sessions are not recorded and are safe zones for sharing.


Bring your notebook and pen, and be well hydrated. Group participation is encouraged but not required. Supported self-paced study is available.


At the end of each season we begin a new cycle of the curriculum with that fresh vibe that renews itself from age to age.

FAQ: Can I join any time?


"Yes, join anywhere in the cycle! Replays and assignments are posted in bitesized chunks. You always have access to resources and support and will not be left behind."
Seva Sevitri Kaur, member for four years.


Monday 6th (Online only)
"Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the Earth."
Genesis 1:28

Monday 13th (Online only)
"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples: if you love one another."
John 13:35

Monday 20th & Thursday 23rd
"At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you."
John 14:20

Monday 27th & Thursday 30th

Welcome to The Oasis!

We'll cover the riches upon riches of what's included and how to get the most out of your membership. We'll learn our basic prayer techniques and set our milestones.

Who are We?

We'll cover the current landscape in collective ascension, the parameters of the Great Commission, and the shared characteristics of sovereign light leaders. You will gain a stronger sense of purpose and connectedness, and greater authority. 

I AM Sovereign

We define "sovereignty" and distinguish the difference between "ascension" and "sovereign" consciousness, and the role this plays in modern spiritual leadership. We create a shared language around Christ and a Way to understand and communicate about Jesus to an awakened, modern mind. 


The Threshold

We summarize and review results, feeling liberated, equipped and sovereign. We mobilize the mind and energy for the next chapter. 

FAQ: Is this a "Christian" program?


"This is a Christ-centered, universal program and fellowship for light leaders in any wisdom tradition. The Sovereign language reconciles Western and Eastern terminologies into a unique ontology called "The Sovereign Model." This liberates and equips for personal life mastery and modern spiritual leadership for anyone answering His call. A unique and personal closeness with Jesus is now a natural side effect no matter my religious identity."
Esther Carlson, member for two years.


Monday 3rd & Thursday 6th
"And God said, "let there be Light, and there was Light."
Genesis 1:3

Monday 10th & Thursday 13th
"Life is equal parts Truth and Story. Enlightenment is knowing the difference."
The Sovereign Way

Monday 17h & Thursday 20th
"For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:30

Genesis: A Remembering

We'll gain deeper courage and confidence, and a more anchored faith. We'll cover basic quantum creation dynamics and establish a model for understanding the relationship between consciousness, energy and manifestation. We'll immerse into our main metaphor, The Oasis.

Recognizing: Basic and Advanced Discernment

We will be empowered with clear core values and sharper boundaries. We'll gain a lens for sharp and true discernment of structure versus essence, truth versus falsehood, power versus force - a Way back to The Oasis. 

Releasing: Forgiveness, reconciliation and liberation.

We'll experience a wonderful liberation with an immersion in the metaphysics of Mercy. We'll get a Biblical protocol for forgiveness and release. We'll feel the burden lift and the energy rise, and we'll have a way to continue a lifestyle of releasing.


Monday 24th & Thursday 27th

Review results!

FAQ: Do I need to have the book?


"The program follows The Sovereign Way book, it's best to have your own copy! You can get a beautiful hard copy on Amazon or download a free pdf from your member's area."
Kat Lieberkind, member for four years.


Monday 3rd & Thursday 6th
"You shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth fruit in its season..."
Psalm 1:3

Monday 10th & Thursday 13th
"Present for Christ, present to Christ, present in Christ and present as Christ, whatever the weather."
The Sovereign Way

Monday 17th & Thursday 20th
"God is Love, and whoever abides in Love abides in God - and God in him."
John 4:6

Expansion: How to Grow.

We will become equipped to deal with expansion without overwhelm. We will understand the difference between "allowing" and "creating" and how these dynamics work together in manifesting Truth. 

Bending Spacetime: Vibrational and mental mastery for 2025 onwards.

We will cover genius and alchemy as tools outlined by Jesus in the great commission. We'll be empowered by understanding the metaphysics and application of these masteries and will experience a deepened sense of authority and grace. 

Miracle-Worker: Advanced surrender to a consecrated Way.

We'll understand how to access and use manna, how to side-step dimensions in Christ and how to authorize outrageous outcomes for our families, communities and missons for God. 


Monday 24th & Thursday 27th

Results and closing ceremony for this season! 

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