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Healing Pools: A Meditation Course

  • 5 Steps


A meditative audio journey for a refreshing shift that will immediately impact your experience. The Sovereign teachings are purposefully designed to attune your mindset to healing and mastery. The worlds of thought, feeling and form are woven together as the human experience. Transforming your world requires you to shift within and across these dimensions. That's tricky, because there are many environmental frequencies that influence with your coordinates at any given time. However, if you approach these shifts strategically, you cash in on the natural universal flow of becoming, and your transformation unfolds gracefully. The Sovereign Way consists of story, thought practice, vibrational alchemy and prayer to facilitate a vibrational shift in your life. It's like administering an illumination tablet that has a time-delay coating on it - dispensing the right medicine to the right place at the right time. And, just so you can experience a taste of this effect yourself, we've produced The Healing Pools: A meditative audio journey for a refreshing shift that will immediately impact your experience.

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Single Payment
2 Plans Available
From $19.99/month


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